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Add-On Classes

These genres exist in addition to our core genres and can be added as extra lessons by anyone taking our core genres. All pupils must take Ballet in order to access our Add-On genres. Pupils must take Modern Theatre in order to join Commercial/Funky Feet.


HATS - the Heights Amateur Theatre Society forms our Musical Theatre lessons. For children aged 5-18 with a passion for singing, acting and dancing who want to be part of annual productions at the Merlin Theatre. Lessons occur weekly on a Tuesday evening at Hallam Community Hall.

Previous productions by our Musical Theatre group include: Annie, Joseph and The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, Matilda.

HATS is open to any dance pupils in Reception and above.

HATS - Musical Theatre


Acro &

Gymnastic Dance

Acro is a challenging style for dancers and includes balancing, limbering, tumbling and partnering, based in flexibility, contortion and strength. Dancers who train through Acrobatic Arts have balanced development, are stronger, more flexible and fearless. 

Acro is available to any dance pupils in Reception and above.


Contemporary dance combines elements of ballet, modern, and lyrical dancing to create expressive movement. Pupils are taught a mixture of free work and set exercises to help them explore new techniques and develop strength and control.

Contemporary is open to any dance pupils in Year 2 and above.




This is a relaxed class for those children who participate in our Modern Theatre classes. It gives pupils the chance to express themselves learning new and free styles. Commercial is similar to Street Dance and will build up children's repetoire of music styles and dance skills. 

Funky Feet

This is a relaxed class for those children who participate in our Modern Theatre classes. It is a beginners introduction to the fun and freedom of the street dance style.

Funky Feet is open to dance pupils in Reception - Year 4.

Pre-School Ballet, Jazz and Tap

This class is aimed at children aged 2-4 and we learn lots of fun steps including marches, skipping, galloping while developing basic ballet steps. We use lots of different music for the children to encourage different dancing styles and rhythm. We always end our classes on a high with a fun jazz dance that always leaves the children with a big smile to go home.

Reception Ballet, Jazz and Tap

When the children get to reception age, we increase their learning as they start to prepare for a ballet exam. We keep their lessons fun, as we introduce props, tiaras, butterfly wings and princess wands and add themes to lessons. For tap and jazz, from the basic steps they learn in preschool we teach them with more detail starting to put them into routines, preparing them for when they move up to Y1 and they take a jazz and tap exam.

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